# Hardware and conversions

# Available hardware

The trained model can be run on different devices:

Each hardware requires the model to be converted to the appropriate format that the device with that hardware can process. By default, each model is converted to three types of hardware, on which you can run the model without performing additional conversion:

# When is conversion neccesary?

Other types of hardware require additional conversions. Conversion can be performed directly in OSAI.

Model hardware compatibility
Model hardware compatibility

# Conversion process

Start the conversion by clicking on the model tile.

A pop-up notification will tell you if you need to pay for the conversion and whether it is a one-step or two-step conversion.


Once the conversion begins, you will be informed of the progress:

Conversion progress
Conversion progress

When the conversion is complete, you will see information about it in the detailed view of the model.

Successful conversion
Successful conversion

If the model is not supported by a given hardware and no conversion is possible, it will be marked with a red label UNSUPPORTED.

Conversion unavaliable
Conversion unavaliable