# Managing the dataset

# Sort datasets

Datasets can sorted by:

  • Name
  • Dataset type
  • Creation date
  • Number of images


# Download the dataset

The prepared dataset can be downloaded:

  • by clicking Download dataset in the dataset details view,
  • in the dataset list view, by hovering over the gear icon on the tile and selecting the Download button.

Download dataset
Download dataset

You will be asked to select a target format for the annotation files (see Annotations). Datasets are always divided into folders with classification categories, regardless of the selected format.

Select format
Select format

After selecting the format, you will see a notification that the download has started.

# Delete

Deleting a dataset requires double confirmation. If you are sure, click OK. The dataset will be permanently deleted with no possibility to restore it. It will also disappear from the general datasets view.

Delete dataset
Delete dataset

# Edit name

Edit name displays an edit form where you can change the dataset name.

Edit name
Edit name